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The Best Gift Is An Amazing Experience

By Asher Brittany-Ayers

Sometimes, giving and receiving gifts just feels like adding more stuff to the pile. In my case, I have boxes in the garage and a few in the attic of things I am clearly living quite well without. Why do I have them? What is in them? It has become more and more important to me to have less stuff. My plan, which is working quite well, is to use gift ideas for birthdays and holidays that provide an experience rather than a possession.

Events, activities, classes and appointments are one time use gifts that your friend will always remember. After all, some of the best gifts I have ever been given in my life have been experiences, not possessions. For instance, I can still remember the concert I went to because my mother bought me tickets for my birthday. And I can still remember the massages my sister used to buy for me each Mother's Day when my kids were young. These gifts, though not material items I still own, have lived on through my as precious memories.

If you get a gift certificate for it, chances are it will make a good gift. If it provides an experience rather than a product, you are on the right track.

Massage certificates are meaningful because they offer your recipient a chance to let themselves relax and let other people care for them. We all have trouble doing this and who isn't in desperate need of a break from life now and then? Men and women alike, old and young, all enjoy massage.

Other spa and health related gifts serve a similar purpose. I have received and given more than one certificate for a spa facial. Giving someone a coupon for a free day of luxury isn't a comment on their skin quality or physical appearance but rather an offering of comfort and relaxation.

Gift cards are becoming increasingly popular but they continue to lack a personal nature. They are great for recipients who you don't know very well because they give the recipient complete freedom. However, they lack the personal touch of other gifts. Gift certificates strike the perfect medium as they give the recipient some flexibility but still are directly connected to your specific desire for them.

Think outside of the "material possession" box to share your affection in a more genuine and powerful way. Consider this instead: buy fresh flowers for your friend on their birthday rather than picking out a piece of clothing you think they may not need.

When it comes to giving an experience, the gift ideas are as limitless as your imagination. Think about what you most want your friend to feel and let that guide your decision.

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