If there is one game in the world that has turned millions of players into zombies with eyes glued to their computer screen and hands bonded to the mouse and keyboard, Blizzard Entertainment's WoW (another Warcraft franchise) would certainly be the one. Shortly after the game was released in '04, masses of players reached for an opportunity for something new and exciting. It was to revolutionize the Warcraft franchise and gave a true depth to the interaction between human players.
Blizzard Entertainment's WoW (another Warcraft franchise) could be considered the original game to give birth to MMORPGs, and it surely remains to be the most popular one in the world. There are now tens of millions of active players worldwide that spend the majority of their days behind a computer striving to max their gold and level their character to level 85. With its not-so-revolutionary graphics, it is the amount of detail in the game-play that keeps players coming back day after day, and they continue to purchase each add-on as it is released by Blizzard mostly on a yearly basis.
The allure of the game is really its extensive detail and endless entertainment with infinitely many independent paths for a character to take. Unlike most RPGs where one must customize their character at the beginning, characters in World of Warcraft are actually able to continually develop their character with primary and secondary skills. It is the secondary skills that make this game so unique, and they involve things such as leatherworking, blacksmithing, enchanting, archaeology, and a myriad more.
A player can choose how he or she will play the game from the beginning. There is the option to choose normal game play which means the player will fight non-human enemies in the game, and there is the option to choose PvP which means player versus player. PvP characters also fight non-human enemies to gain experience and obtain items to strengthen their character. PvP has a sub-level where characters can fight against other factions.
Many resort to trying to cheat to accomplish a high level character with as much gold as possible, but Blizzard has made it very difficult and has many moderators on their host of servers checking for delinquent players around the clock. With cheating nearly impossible, there are certain strategies that can be implemented by players to achieve what they desire (i.e. max gold, max level, unique items and pets, etc.). It is highly recommended that a player uses a leveling guide to make the game even more entertaining.
Blizzard Entertainment's WoW (another Warcraft franchise) could be considered the original game to give birth to MMORPGs, and it surely remains to be the most popular one in the world. There are now tens of millions of active players worldwide that spend the majority of their days behind a computer striving to max their gold and level their character to level 85. With its not-so-revolutionary graphics, it is the amount of detail in the game-play that keeps players coming back day after day, and they continue to purchase each add-on as it is released by Blizzard mostly on a yearly basis.
The allure of the game is really its extensive detail and endless entertainment with infinitely many independent paths for a character to take. Unlike most RPGs where one must customize their character at the beginning, characters in World of Warcraft are actually able to continually develop their character with primary and secondary skills. It is the secondary skills that make this game so unique, and they involve things such as leatherworking, blacksmithing, enchanting, archaeology, and a myriad more.
A player can choose how he or she will play the game from the beginning. There is the option to choose normal game play which means the player will fight non-human enemies in the game, and there is the option to choose PvP which means player versus player. PvP characters also fight non-human enemies to gain experience and obtain items to strengthen their character. PvP has a sub-level where characters can fight against other factions.
Many resort to trying to cheat to accomplish a high level character with as much gold as possible, but Blizzard has made it very difficult and has many moderators on their host of servers checking for delinquent players around the clock. With cheating nearly impossible, there are certain strategies that can be implemented by players to achieve what they desire (i.e. max gold, max level, unique items and pets, etc.). It is highly recommended that a player uses a leveling guide to make the game even more entertaining.
About the Author:
Looking for a good WoW Priest leveling guide, and check this out to for WoW from Blizzard Entertainment info on farming gold.