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The importance of budgeting for families

By Kal Hodgson

The rising cost of many essential items has made it difficult for many to stretch their income so that they can afford what they need each month. In a lot of people's case though, they actually earn enough to cover all that they need and more but because they don't budget their money properly they find themselves falling short. Families are one of the biggest victims of this problem and failure to budget effectively can see them fall into debt.

Budgeting is not nearly as difficult as many people think and while it is slightly more complicated for a family than for an individual, it is still a very simple thing to do. The first thing which people must do is add up their monthly income including any wages and additional funding sources too. They should also add up their monthly outgoings which must be paid. These are things like the mortgage, gas, electric and insurance. After subtracting the total of the essential outgoings from the total income the remaining figure is what is left for the month.

The next thing is to assess which purchases are essential and which are desired but not actually needed. By doing this people can work out how much money they will need to spend from what they have left and this money can then be put aside for when it is needed throughout the month.

For those that have money left over at this point it is an excellent idea to budget some money for savings. A lot of people overlook savings when budgeting and this comes back to haunt them when an unexpected expense occurs. Allocating even a small amount towards savings each month can help safeguard a family.

Finally of course any money which is then remaining can be spent on desired purchases or doing family things. Some might choose to buy clothes or other items while others might decide to save money for a holiday or go on family days out.

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