To make people think
If you want to comment on the people of your messages, do not write the generic content, which is the same as all other messages. Write something that people really talk. This may be something controversial, funny, informative or just out of the norm.
Comment back
Too often, bloggers want more feedback, but they are less willing to discuss their own posts. This may be because they are too proud, or because it is the sentiment, commenting that their contributions are somehow against the rules. If someone comments, comment again, what they say.
Encourage your opinion
You can comment, but you're really encouraging? You probably think so, but there is anywhere in your message that you specifically tell people what to write, you write a comment? You obviously do not want, so you get arrogant, but can greatly improve a simple sentence, your contributions. Only at the end of each message with a call to action such as "What do you think?" Or "review." See how many people hear these subtle commands.
Do not write too fast
This can be seen, against-intuitive, since more jobs means more things to discuss, right? Yes, but if you throw contributions to respect people, they find it hard to concentrate on one position. Instead, write a post a few days. In this way, what to build.
Be Opinionated
Many bloggers are afraid of authority. You are to write in a neutral position to ensure that nobody gets upset, but it's not a good idea. Instead, be persistent. If you have an article or a rally to someone crazy, this will only make the sparks (and comments). You can not fear, just go and write the idiosyncratic contribution you can think of.
Make amazing titles
What sounds better: "What is blogging?" Or "blogs, the unknown universe digital"? Most people think that because it attracts your attention, it makes you wonder what is the position, and it keeps your attention. Not only that, but you will usually find it much easier for a title after a thrilling exciting writing.
Comment Contest
It's really impressive that people express. They say the best comment is a gift card, cash or other rewards received. Nothing spells more comments than a bribe small. At the same time, do not seem desperate, it seems that if you want people to show their creativity. If you are, how desperate can come, then that can easily explode in your face.